The first thing that people think of when you mention their telephone system features are – we can make, take and transfer calls on it – yes, of course this is true but if you implement a few additional features on it, it becomes a little more useful.


Let me outline a few features, which might already be on your telephone system as standard, but not utilised. These features can help you save time, create more revenue for your company and save you money! They can give your customers a better experience when calling you!

Voicemail to Email

A voicemail message may sit in a voicemail box for days without being noticed – smart telephone systems have the ability to email this message to you with the callers telephone number, the date and time it was left, the voicemail message attached as a wav file so you have a permanent record of it. It can then be automatically deleted from the voicemail box, ready for the next one!

Auto Attendant

Very few SME’s employ a full time receptionist, just to answer the phone. They are often busy doing other administrative work in the office. Why should that person answer every call to your company when 90% of the calls are not for them. The answer? Allow you telephone system to distribute the calls automatically with the Auto Attendant feature and get those callers to the right person or department quickly and efficiently without wasting somebody’s time.

Bespoke message/music on hold

When you put a caller on hold, you have a captive audience! They wont go anywhere until they talk to you – so why waste that valuable time? Give them information on your products and services or an upcoming event that you are holding – with modern MP3 players connected to your phone system, it is easy to change this message on a regular basis so that frequent callers don’t hear the same message all the time.

Transfer to mobile

One of the most repeated questions that we get asked is – how can I transfer a call to my boss on his mobile? And it is one of the easiest features on the phone system but seldom used. But if you could do it – how valuable could that be? Retain that potential buyer on the line to get the right information to them immediately! Forget about calling him back – he made the call to you, so talk to him immediately.

Mobile Apps

With the advent of modern Voice over IP (VOIP) telephone systems, it has opened up a whole new way of connecting calls to you. Picture this – you are at a conference in Los Angeles and you need to make a sales call on behalf of your company – open up your Mobile phone system app and with a WIFI connection, you can make that call on your office phone system in London, costing you a local call. You can call internal office calls for free and the office can call you and transfer outside calls to you– for free!

Click to call

When you want to call somebody and don’t know their number – what do you do? Look them up in Outlook or Google them? Then when you see that number on your screen, what do you do? You write it down and then go to call them. With “Click to call”, all you have to do is highlight the number on your screen and a small icon appears to ask you to call the number – when you click yes, it opens up your desk phone and calls the number. What a time saver if you are making 50 outbound calls a day! And it doesn’t matter what program or web page you are on – once you can see it on your screen – you can use click to call.

Least Cost Routing

Your landline provider charges you 15c per minute for a landline to mobile call but yet your mobile provider charges you 10c per minute for a mobile to mobile call – how do you maximise these costs? Your telephone system now has the ability to route your call to the least expensive line, thus saving you money!

On demand recording

At the touch of a button on your phone, you can record that important sales call into your voicemail box for verification of what you agreed and with the Voicemail to email feature described above, you now have a permanent record of it.

Call Sequencing

Rather than your caller hanging up on an unanswered call, they can be given a comfort message to say that the call is important to you and that somebody will be with them shortly.

So as you can now see, your telephone system becomes a sales tool as well as a cost saving tool.

To find out more about how your telephone system can get you more business call us on  dial: 01494 775500 or Contact Us here