Green Telecom – Who we are
For over 25 years we have consistently provided a high quality customer experience by empowering new and existing staff with the right training to care for our customers.
Our culture matters at Green Telecom, it is reflected in our work. Here jobs are careers and not just a way to pay the bills. The finished product matters, big or small, as it carries our name. We provide a good old fashioned service to all our customers and we are proud of that.
Green Telecom are also committed to helping organisations meet their telecom Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) whilst saving them money.
- The CRC scheme is a key part of the UK’s strategy for controlling and reducing CO2 emissions, which includes driving up the demand for energy efficient goods and services.
- We do not believe that going green should cost organisations more and through the adoption of technologies, such as conferencing and internet telecoms, combined with high speed connectivity and quality of service, significant savings can be made.
- To underpin this we have an environmental policy with effective procedures in place as well as an active green working group.
- Since 2008 Green Telecom have traded as carbon positive by over offsetting the carbon footprint created from our operations.
- Our system installation division has also operated a tree planting programme since May 2008.